But you may not get that much out of such small volume.

I'd be aiming at no more than one or two weeks with five gallons per tomato. Tomatoes are heavy feeders, and at five gallons per bucket should not be asked to go for very long, even if the water volume holds up. Smaller volumes will require more frequent service than larger volumes. But the volume you choose is mainly a matter of your convenience. In very hot weather, my ten-bucket line with the admittedly small 20-gallon reservoir could go dry in a couple of days. You could get my with less, but you will have to fool with it frequently.ĭutch bucket may have a high evaporation factor, because of the way it drizzles nutrient down through the roots. I would want about five gallons times the number of buckets. The reservoir size, about the total nutrient volume for the system of however many buckets, depends on the number and size of plants and how frequently you are willing to service the nutrient. And if the buckets have the traditional siphons keeping an inch of nutrient in the bottom of each, that should be considered. The usual size for tomatoes and peppers is about five gallon buckets. So the bucket size can be chosen to match the size of the plant. The bucket contains on a small portion of nutrient that is being drizzled down the roots. These premium quality, black plastic buckets can be used for a variety of gardening. The size of the bucket or the size of the reservoir. The 3 gallon bucket can be used for a number of gardening applications. The nutrients in hydroponics can come from an array of different sources these can include but are not limited to byproduct from fish waste, duck manure, or normal nutrients. Terrestrial plants may be grown with only their roots exposed to the mineral solution, or the roots may be supported by an inert medium, such as perlite or gravel. The Bucket Company offers a wide selection of hydroponic supplies for all growing applications. Hydroponics - a subset of hydroculture, the method of growing plants without soil, using mineral nutrient solutions in a water solvent.